Friday, August 25, 2017

Science and Engineering Practices Quiz Regrade

Say why that answer is correct and what made me think the original one that I chose was correct

Question 5:

My Answer:
Correct Answer:

Question 6:

My Answer:
Correct Answer:

Question 7:

My Answer:
Correct Answer:

Monday, August 21, 2017

Why I returned to AdVENTURE? - Weekly Blog #1

I believe that the main reason why I decided to return to AdVENTURE is because it suits all of my needs. Its an engaging and collaborative program that has a very special place in my heart. This program has pushed what I call a comfort zone. It has made me try out methods and peruse activities that would then turn into interests and eventually hobbies. This program is the most suitable to me that other schools don't have as an option. The schools that they have nearby the area besides this program don't fit my needs like AdVENTURE does. These are the main concepts on why I decided to stay in AdVENTURE.

This program fits several of my learning preferences. I say this because I enjoy working with groups of people in a single project and coming out with an amazing product that we can be proud of all together. AdVENTURE supports collaborative assignments persistently, and is integrated into the program flawlessly. I also think that AdVENTURE made me get into activities that I have never tried before. These activities being coding, graphic design, and video production. These activities are something that I pursue almost daily now and have become well integrated into the way that I approach new concepts. These activities have also helped me in the numerous fun and exciting projects in AdVENTURE.

All in all, this program is the best program that is available to me. I have found new interests through the program, a new personality, and quite frankly a new approach to everything I do. I am very glad that I decided to go to AdVENTURE in first place because without it I would have a really lame life. I wouldn't be able to discover the things that I am truly passionate about. I have good relationships with the students and teachers at AdVENTURE, so there really is no point in leaving. So, now you know why I decided to stay in AdVENTURE.