Sunday, April 22, 2018

Building My Own Instrument: Project Blog

Our instrument displayed beautifully by Riccardo

This week in science, I put my knowledge of  waves and sound to the test by being given the task of creating an instrument. Through this project, i was able to learn about how PVC pipes can be used to create distinct sounds at different pitches through vibrations in the air columns. We took this concept and adapted to to create a PVC base flute. The initial vibration of our instrument occurs in the mouthpiece. The mouthpiece was angled in a way that allowed it to resonate through the tube. In order to create different notes in the flute we had to have precise measurements in making different notes. Through this process, I  was able to further learn about how sound is created and the differences between them.

Backward-Looking - What process did you go through to produce this piece?

In order to create this product we first had to get an 8 feet PVC Pipe. We then proceeded to cutting down 33 Inch off main pipe. After this, we saved 4 inch of the main pipe to create a mouthpiece. After this, it was time to drill in the holed for playing different notes. We did this by measuring the diameter of holes, calculating the distance from open end the holes,  aligning the holes with the help of a ruler, and finally drilling the actual holes into the pipe. After this we had to create the mouth piece by cutting a ⅜  hole, and shave sides to be angled so that it can resonate. We then proceeded to put together the instrument and secure it with duck tape.

Inward -Looking - What did/do you find frustrating about it?

Initially with creating this product, we found it very frustrating to actually get our steady sound going. This was particularly frustrating because we had to go through a lot of trial and error in order to achieve a successful mouthpiece. Initially, we though that we did something wrong with constructing the mouth piece. It was looking to be as if no sound would come through our instrument. As time went on, we realize that the problem was with the way that we were setting our embrasure on the instrument. We had to blow into the hole a certain way in order to produce sound. It took as a while to figure out but eventually we got it.

Outward -Looking - Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?

The way that we created our instrument was pretty unique group. We saw that only 1 group had a wind instrument like ours, and was created in a totally separate way with different materials. We were however, among the groups that used PVC pipes to create our instrument. Because PVC is such a solid material, it makes sense why so many groups would use it as their main material. Through PVC pipes, the majority of the groups were able to create their instrument and successfully use the material to their advantage.

Forward -Looking -What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?

If I were to do this project over again, I would most certainly change the way that the instrument looks. I believe that we could have made our instrument look way more aesthetically pleasing then what it looks like right now. Another thing that I would do over if I had the chance to is creating more in tune notes, as well as a better way for the mouthpiece to resonate. Because of the way that we created our mouthpiece, we couldn't get very solid and in tune notes except for a few so that is definitely something I would do over again.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Making common Items into Instruments?: Weekly Blog #18

Image result for instrument homemade


This week in science, I learned about how different items can resonate in different ways. Through vibrations, sound is created in different frequency's and pitch. This week, I learned about how PVC pipes can be used to create musical sounds. In order to decide how we were going to go about creating a wind instrument, we had to look the fundamentals of how a normal one works. Wing instruments work by have a mouth piece blown into at a certain angle. This creates a vibration that resonates through the instruments body. This than can create a sound that can be varied by pressing down different keys that will cover different holes. depending on the different lengths and spaces between holes, different pitches can be made. 

S&EP - Using Math

I expressed relationships between variables by writing mathematical models or equations. For example, I used an equation for trying to figure out where certain notes would have to be in relativity to each other. Using an actual mathematical formula, we were able to figure out where we would need to drill the holes in the pipe for creating specific notes. Using the formula, it was able to guide us in creating our prototype and figuring how the different pitches were made.

XCC - Scale, Proportion, and Quantity

When mapping out how big the holes for the different notes would be, we had to scale the sizing on in. to cm, as well as translate all of our data into a proportion suitable for our pipe. If we were to put our calculations onto a much larger or smaller scale, we would have to accommodate for the size of the holes and the spacing. This is due to the bigger the instrument being, the lower the pitch and vice versa.