Friday, February 17, 2017

Studying Interdependence of Organisms and Cycles: Weekly blog #14

Image result for nature cycles

This week in science, we studied the works of nature that connects abiotic and biotic factors. A biotic factor is something in the environment that is alive, This could be something like the grass, people, animals, trees ect. An Abiotic factor is something in an environment that isn't alive such as the sky, cement, rocks, and even sunlight. We also learned about natural cycles, namely the nitrogen and carbon cycles. The carbon cycle is the cycle of carbon from plants and animals to the atmosphere to the ocean and several other place. Almost the same can go for the nitrogen cycle There are also other cycles in nature such as the water cycle and rock cycle but we already previously studied those so there is no point in learning them again.

S&EP - Communicating Information

I engaged in discussions with scientific peers. As I was researching about the different cycles, I had to show what I learned about our assigned cycle by communicating my ideas about the nitrogen cycle to a group that was assigned with the carbon cycle. They then told me about there journey through the cycle and what type of places they traveled to, as well as what changes occurred along the way. This is how I communicated information to other scientific peers this week.

XCC - Patterns

There is a large emphasis on the use of patterns as far as cycles go. Once the cycle goes through once, it will start again, thus making it a pattern. This can apply to all cycles because eventually they will repeat in the same or a similar sort of manor. However, if there were to a a disturbance or a change in the cycle, it would have a changed pattern, and would affect the whole system, including everything apart of it. This is how I communicated concepts about patterns this week.

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