Sunday, October 29, 2017

Making My Own Species! - Weekly blog #9


This week in science, I worked on my designer species project. So far, in this project I was able to create a concept on what our animal could be like. We were able to chose out of a few planets that our species could be from. We decided on planet C, a tropical planet that features plenty of vegetation, as well as animals such as birds, insects, and snakes. Knowing the information of the planet that we chose, we were able to think of traits that could be potentially useful in the environment. From their my team and I created a chart listing the advantages and disadvantages that certain traits presented, and which one we would like to include in our animal. From there we created another table that listed the body systems of the animal, and took different systems from different animals that we thought shared a similar system. Through this, I learned about all sorts of systems from different animals. 

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