Saturday, January 27, 2018

Regrade for Speed Mastery Quest

Summary: These are the questions on last weeks mastery quest on speed that I got wrong and these are my correction

Question: 7

Answer Before -  5 X

Correct Answer - 500 

Why did I get this question wrong? I didn't think the logic of my multiplication all the way through and just assumed it was 5 instead of actually calculating it

Question: 10

Answer Before 2m/s X
Correct Answer - 0.5m/s

Why did I get this question wrong? When calculating speed i put time/distance not distance/time.

Question: 12

Answer Before - When distance = 90 and speed =185. X

Correct Answer - When distance = 15 and speed = 20 

Why did I get this question wrong? When calculating speed i put time/distance not distance/time.

Examining Changes in Acceleration - Weekly Blog #14

Image result for acceleration

Acceleration is the measure of changes in velocity over time. Any object that is experiencing change in speed and direction is considered to be accelerating. Because of this,acceleration is measured as a vector quantity. This means that it measures both the magnitude and direction of an object. You could also model acceleration by using a graph. in order to graph acceleration, it has to be a velocity vs. time graph. When an object has negative acceleration, it is known as deceleration. When I was able to apply the knowledge of acceleration all throughout the week. This was most notable in this weeks lab.

S&EP - Analyzing Data

This week in science, we did a lab using Hotwheels race cars to examine changes in acceleration. Through this experiment, we were able to collect data while running different tests on the cars, closely examining their speeds at different times. We varied the slopes of the ramps, as well as how long the track was both times. We then had to record all of this data we collected from the different experiments onto our papers. From there, we were able to convert all the information into a few different types of graphs, and we looked to see the similarities between them.

XCC - Stablitity and Change

There is a great example of stability and change that can be seen in acceleration. The change is provided by the different types of data we were able to collect when varying the slopes of the ramps, as well as the length of the track. Stability in this experiment came from us trying to get an average speed that the car went at. If it were to be released from the same exact place, with the exact same amount of force every time, it would produce a constant speed. This can be shown as a s sense of stability because having a constant speed gives a stable variable that can serve to be true in several situations.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Studying Changes in Speed and Velocity Through Graphs: Weekly Blog #13

The matching I did with my group

This week in science, I learned a lot about how graphs can represent data and replicating a certain situation. This, of course, is directly correlated to the distance that an object takes in a certain amount of time. Speed is a scalar quantity that represents how fast an object is moving. Velocity is a vector quantity that measure how fast an object is moving, and the direction its moving in. There are several different scenarios that we looked through as a group, and we had to figure out which scenario corresponded best with the graph. Through this, I was able to learn what it means  to speed up, or slow down  by looking at the data, and then being able to understand what that would visually look like on a graph. In order to figure out how fast an object is moving, you have to calculate how the object has changed in response to how much distance(rise) an object has take over the time(run).

S&EP - Analyzing Data

I had to analyze the data given to us in the different scenarios that were corresponding with the speeds that Joe was going at. Through all these different situations, we had to dissect all of elements that went into each story, and attempt to most closely relate it to one of the given graphs. Later on, we also had to see how the graphs numbers changed in relation to his time and distance by plotting down his distance at certain times. This proves that this week, I went through a deep analysis of data in order to relate all the information. 
XCC - Patterns

I started to notice patterns that would occur when Joe went through different situations that were somewhat similar to each other. This could be seen when Joe experience a situation where he went faster, I noticed that the start and end of the line was tighter. This could also be seen when he went slower, the lines were more extended. Some other patterns i noticed were every time he didst move, the line was strait, but didn't change in distance, just increasing in time. Also, when it said that Joe was coming back to his origin, you always see that the line comes back to the bottom of the graph or at 0 distance.