Saturday, January 27, 2018

Regrade for Speed Mastery Quest

Summary: These are the questions on last weeks mastery quest on speed that I got wrong and these are my correction

Question: 7

Answer Before -  5 X

Correct Answer - 500 

Why did I get this question wrong? I didn't think the logic of my multiplication all the way through and just assumed it was 5 instead of actually calculating it

Question: 10

Answer Before 2m/s X
Correct Answer - 0.5m/s

Why did I get this question wrong? When calculating speed i put time/distance not distance/time.

Question: 12

Answer Before - When distance = 90 and speed =185. X

Correct Answer - When distance = 15 and speed = 20 

Why did I get this question wrong? When calculating speed i put time/distance not distance/time.

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