Sunday, May 27, 2018

Scientist Wanted: Shirley Ann Jackson - Weekly Blog #21

Image result for shirley ann jackson

This week in science, I learned about world influencing scientist Shirley Ann Jackson. Shirley Ann Jackson is a physicist that studied subatomic particles at numerous physics labs. She was awarded the very first national medal in science, and also became the president of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The national medal of science is an honorary award that is given to those who excel in a certain field of science by the president of the United States. She is know well for and praised for being the first women of African american decent to earn a doctorate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This is what I learned about this week.

S&EP - Communicating Information

This week, I was able to communicate information through the presentation of things that I learned about Shirley Ann Jackson. First, I had to gather all my information by doing research on who Shirley is. Then. I had to dig deeper and find out her family history, Where she earned her degree, and what she studied in. After all this, I was able to communicate my finding to the rest of the class via Flip-grid. With this E-tool, I was able to talk to others about who my scientist was and why they were important. I also was able to learn about other peoples scientists and reply to their videos.

XCC - Cause and Effect

When researching Shirley Ann Jackson, I discovered that she had to struggle with a lot of social problems that developed during her time and that she had to endure a lot to become an intellectual. Because of the way that people treated her, it caused her to persevere and become smarter and better than anyone of thought she could just because of the color of her skin as well as her gender. This shows a cause and effect relationship due to them being correlated in this way. Also, because she put it in the hard work into her studies she was able to be rewarded from it and helps set an example for the rest of the world.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Our Solar System - Weekly Blog #20

Image result for solar system

This week in science, I learned about our solar system. I learned alot about galaxies, stars, and other objects of the solar system. We live a galaxy called the "Milky Way" that is called an spiral galaxy. The different types of galaxies are elliptical, spiral, and irregular galaxies. Each of these galaxies are unique are in their own ways, and each have distinct features that keep them different in this way. In order for a star to form, they have to go through a process called nuclear fusion. In this process, Hydrogen is ionized (electrons stripped from the protons) into subatomic particles and then put under immense heat and pressure. After this they are fused together into helium because of this process.

S&EP - Analyzing Data

I recognized patterns in data and see relationships between variables. For example, I observed that the father away from the sun, the greater the planet's period of revolution. This is just one of the many observations I concluded from analyzing the data that was given to us through the formatives. Some other things that I noticed when researching information surrounding the topic was that some of the closer planets to the sun tend to have rock surfaces and are warmer. They have more earth like feature just taking off of this factor alone, distance from the sun. Another thing that is affected by her closeness to the sun is the planets gravity, in which those closer to the sun experience similar gravity to earth.

XCC - Patterns 

As shown above, there seemed, to me at least, that there is some sort of pattern that was connected a planet's distance from the sun and similarities to earth. All planets that tended to be closer in general to the sun have rocky surfaces, gravity like that which earth has, similar day/year lengths, and other distinguishable features that we would find here on earth. I also found that there are patterns in how each galaxy is shaped and they all fall under the previously mentioned galaxy type category. Depending on how prevalent these patterns are, we can collect information from it and learn more about our solar system, and even others, from it.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

How Stress Affects Your Mind: Weekly Blog #19

This week in science, I learned about how stress can affect your mind, as well as how to deal with stress. There are different types of stress that can occur in your body. The stress that is most frequent and normal is the fight or flight type stress. This type of stress can help you

S&EP - 

XCC - 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Regrade For Eclipses and Seasons Mastery Quest

Question: 15

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓
Question: 17

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓

Question: 18

Answer Before - 5 X

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Question: 19

Answer Before - 5 X

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Question: 20

Answer Before - 5 X

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Question: 21

Answer Before - 5 X

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Question: 24

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓
Question: 28

Answer Before - 5 X

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Question: 30

Answer Before - 5 X

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Question: 33

Answer Before - 5 X

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Question: 35

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓
Question: 36

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓