Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Weekly Blog 12/14

Image result for carbon footprint
This week in science, I did my carbon footprint for the charity. I also did my research from our soil project. I learned about how far china is from the USA. I also learned where my products were made and how important it is. Another thing I learned is that going by ship releases less CO2 in the air than airplanes. I also learned how important soil is for the earth. Soil provides a lot of our food and important things we need to survive. I also learned what a carbon footprint is.

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems
I Formulated a testable question when I wrote about how I can reduce my carbon footprint. This helped me better define carbon footprint and how much less CO2 is released into the air if it goes by ship instead of plane. My question was how I could reduce my carbon footprint. I tested it by using one of my materials and changed how it being shipped. The difference was huge of how much CO2 was being released.

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