Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Should China Build more hydroelectric dams?

    My WAC is about my perspective on if China should build more Hydroelectric dams. My perspective may vary from person to person and what they think. My personal opinion is No. China should not build more Hydroelectric dams. Here are my reasons why.

     My first reason concerns the Eco-system. Yes, the Hydroelectric dam is said to be "Eco-Friendly", but this is only affecting the pollution they have their. This Dam is their act to "Go Green", but it's not entirely what it seems. This is only if they are using electricity from the dam, instead of using coal, But this dam only supplies 9% of the electricity. However, these dams are destroying the homes of several animals and unbalancing the ecosystem. I know this because in the text it says "Pollutants from flooded cities and factories are altering the oxygen and nutrient levels of the reservoir water and damaging the rivers wildlife." This means that this Dam isn't entirely "Eco-Friendly" because it's affecting the ecosystem around it and the wildlife and that's not OK.

     My second reason is concerning the people being relocated, especially the farmers. These farmers are going to be forced to go into the city, where they will have no idea what to do because all they were taught to do was farm for generations. Their only other choice is to farm on less fertile land prone to mudslide. I know this because in the text it says "Approximately 1.4 million people have been relocated 1/3 of the people were peasant farmers whose families have worked the land for generations." This is very important because these farmers are being forced to move to places where it is just unfair for them. They will also lose their homes and besides, all they know what to do is farming.

     My final reason concerns the important archeological sites submerged under the water. These Archeological sites contain crucial information. These sites could still be explored, and are losing a lot of valid artifacts. I know this because in the text it says "Important archeological sites have been submerged under the three gorges dam reservoir." This is important because these archeological sites provide solid evidence for research. There is also hard evidence of fossilized humans in those caves.

     This concludes my report on the Hydroelectric dams in China. I feel very strongly that they shouldn't build more hydroelectric dams. If they build more, they will be in big trouble because of all the conflicts. There are several important archeological sites that are yet to be explored submerged in the dam. This will also affect the Ecosystem and disbalance it. This is why I think China shouldn't build more dams.

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