Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Weekly Blog 2/22 - 2/29

     This week in science, I learned little about what could be harming the fish in Gray Bay. I learned that the Fo River is being polluted by chlorine from the water slide park. The chlorine may not be the only problem cause the fish to die. I also learned that water fleas are bio-indicators. I learned that bio-indicators are sensitive organisms that can tell you how healthy the ecosystem is. This is what I learned this week in science.

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems

I determine what questions have yet to be answered when I was trying to find out what was harming the fish in the Gray Area. We could tell that the chlorine was harming the river at least because when they did the test with the water fleas, they found out it was positive for chlorine. They also did another test with a chemist, and found out the was none. I believed that the chemist was lying. I thought the chemist was lying because the chemist was working for the waterslide park owner, which may mean she is lying, to get a pay raise or something in that sort. These were my questions and the problem I defined.

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