Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Science Blog 2/29 -3/7

      This week in science, I learned about sediment. I learned that sediment can harm fish, and help them. I also learned that sediment are tiny pieces of rock, usually in a group. An example is something like gravel and sand. I also learned that the deer population was drastically affecting the environment around them. I learned that the sediment and acid rain might have been the reason why the fish were dying. I also learned about how much sediment all the different streams had in them by conducting an experiment we did in class.

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems

I defined a problem when I figured out that acid rain may only be only affecting some of the rivers. This is because the rivers have specific rocks that neutralize the acids. I determine what questions have yet to be answered when I studied the acid rain and sediment files, and tries figured out why some of the streams were affected by the sediment or acid but not others. I then figured out that the sediment may be coming from the logging, because it is near the upper and lower Misstersippi River. I am talk about the Misstersippi because that was the only river affected by the sediment. I figured out that there is to much sediment in the water when I conducted the experiment in class between all the river.

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