Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Weekly Blog
      This week in Science, we focused more on ocean currents. We did this by working in our message in a bottle work. I learned that currents temperature can really impact the way something moves. We also made a map of the bottles route, and we made a story of how it got to that location. We were told to make our story exciting and creative, but also use what you have learned about currents. This is what we did and what I learned in science this week.

SP2: Developing and using models

I constructed physical, mental or conceptual models to represent and understand phenomena when I created a map of currents to show the direction my bottle went. This showed me how the current can take the bottle this way, and how temperature can help. The salinity of the ocean also help me. I also used my map as a model, to show which currents it would take. This is how I used models to understand concepts.

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