Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Project Blog - Biome Project

I actually learned quite a lot from this project. I learned mainly a ton of facts about the ocean. I honestly feel as if I experienced a lot more in this project than if I have not done it. Fist of all, I learned how greedy humanity is when it comes to the ocean. I also learned how much crap the ocean has to deal with on a daily basis. Just think about it for a second? Oil Spills, trash everywhere, pollution, and so much more. This is all putting precious animals on the verge to extinction.

I honestly already knew quite a bit about the human affect on the ocean before the projected started, but I actually learned a lot of new things about animals and plants. I also didn't know to much about survival in the ocean. This project opened up my mind to lots of things as well, that I couldn't quite understand before. I also already knew that we need to help the ocean somehow and we need to do it soon.

I honestly really enjoyed working on this project. Even though there were some ups and downs, and I did the majority of the work, It was alright. The part of it that I didn't like was the part that I had to work so hard and stay up late by doing the final parts at the last minute. I also didn't like how I did this extremely long part for humans affect of the ocean biome, and put my heart and soul into it. In the end, it didn't even matter and a lot of people thought it was "boring" or "too long". I particularly liked the part was making the biome, and going through trial and error. I also enjoyed producing the website.

I would honestly give this project an A. It deserves this grade because we went above and beyond the requirements. We put extra efforts in making the website look as nice as possible. Our biome looks realistic and actually really good. We were very descriptive in out writings, and also provided plentiful information.

If I absolutely had to change something in this work it would probably be when we put water in the biome. I had to go through extra efforts of taking out the water. I also had to reorganize so many things because of this. All in all, at the end it actually made the sand more moist, so it was a lot easier to make the plants stick to the ground. Overall, I probably wouldn't change anything because it all worked out in the end.

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