Monday, May 2, 2016

Weekly Blog

This week in science, I learned a lot about oceans while doing our biome project. We got a lot of work done on our website, and completed our research. I learned that oceans cover about 70% of the oceans surface. I also learned that there are 5 oceans, the Pacific, Atlantic, Southern, Arctic, and Indian. I also learned that The average temperature of the ocean is about 2*C, to 39*F. Finally, I learned that Blue Whales, Sea Lions, and Sea turtles are endangered animals. They also do a lot to help the ocean.

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems

I established what is already known about oceans when I put it onto the website and paraphrased all the information that we gathered. With this information, we were able to know what the ocean is like. We also found out about what animals that live in the ocean are endangered. I did all this by writing a report on what the animals are like. The rest of the people in the group worked on designing the website and researching.

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