Monday, December 12, 2016

Genetics vocabulary test corrections

Summary: These are the questions on today's quiz about genetics that I got wrong and these are my correction

Letter C

Answer Before - Word: Allele | Definition: Phenotype observed in heterozygous organisms X
Correct Answer - Word: Allele | Definition: One of two or more alternative forms of a gene 

Letter F

Answer Before - Word: Dominant trait | Definition: Phenotype masked in heterozygous organisms, that can only be observed in homozygous organisms. X

Correct Answer - Word: Dominant trait  | Definition: Phenotype observed in heterozygous organisms 

Letter G

Answer Before - Word: Recessive trait | Definition: One of two or more alternative forms of a gene X

Correct Answer - Word: Recessive trait | Definition: Phenotype masked in heterozygous organisms, that can only be observed in homozygous organisms. 


Why did I get these questions wrong?

I got these questions wrong, not because I didn't know the correct terms, but simply because I took to much time on the first few definitions, and messed up the last few that we had to do. I also forgot quite a bit of the terms, so I had to consistently look at my notes.

What will I do next time to make sure this doesn't happen again

Next time I will take the time to deeply study the terms and vocabulary, so that next time when we have to match up everything in a short amount of time like we had to today, I will know the meanings at the top of my head. This will allow me to complete the quiz without screwing up any of the terms.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

This Year Annual Charity Fair - Project Blog Post

Image result for banana pudding cookies


During this project, I learned a lot. One thing that definitely stuck out to me in this project is learning how to use a pastry bag. I needed to learn how to use this because without knowing how to we wouldn't be able to design the middle of our cookies. I also learned how to make the pudding thick enough so that we can put it in between the cookies without it getting all over the place. We did this by adding less milk to the mix (so that it was thicker) and than into the freezer. This is what I learned over the course of this project

Backwards Looking - What process did you go through to produce this piece?

To create our cookies, we went through a relatively simple process. To create our whole project is another story, so i'm just going to say how we made our cookies. First, we had to create the Jello. We did this by putting the mix in the mixing bowl, and than pouring in the milk. After this, we mashed up some bananas and mixed it in. That's how we did our pudding, after this we went two ways, one way was pouring our pudding into containers, to sell as is, or we took two Nilla wafers, and used a pastry bag to put the pudding in-between the wafers. Essentially, that all it took. After this we were done creating our product. 

Inwards Looking - How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?

I feel as if our group did pretty well on this project. We produced a well done ignite presentation, as well as we were able to maintain clear ideas throughout the whole presentation. We also did pretty well on our products. However, some things that I thought we did OK on (not very good, or bad) is probably our  tri-fold. Our tri-fold looked overall a bit sloppy, and kind or messy in my opinion, but it wasn't overwhelmingly terrible. This what I enjoyed, and didn't enjoy about our project

Outward Looking - What grade would you give it? Why?

I would probably give this project an A-. I would say this because, for the most part, we did everything relatively well. Our presentation was pretty good. Our product was very tasty. And last but not least, our instructable was pretty good too. The only reason why I wouldn't give us an A is because, like I said before, our poster board had some faults. But they weren't overwhelming, as in they didn't distract you from the ideas our poster was conveying. This is the grade I would giver our project.

Forward Looking - As you look at this piece, what's one thing that you would like to try to improve upon?

I think that I could probably improve upon the tri-fold. As I mentioned before, the tri-fold was a bit sloppy, and overall could have probably improved. So next time I will know what I did wrong before, which was deciding to use tape instead of glue, as well as put un-dried photo paper onto the poster board,and improve upon it by not doing these things. I think that we also could have used a better background for our tri-fold, because in my opinion it was kinda gloomy for selling banana pudding as our product. These are the things I will improve upon for my next project.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Superhero Life Science: Making my own superhero! - Weekly Blog #9

picture taken of my superhero
  This week in science, I learned about different types of DNA and how we can link ourselves to it. In this group of study, we were launched our superhero life science project.I based my superhero off of the chameleon and his name is Karmeleon. I learned a lot about the chameleon. I learned that its tongue can go as fast as 60 mph when attempting to catch a bug, otherwise, they are pretty slow animals. I also learned that the chameleon is pretty smart and uses its camouflage only when necessary. All of this led me to making my drawing and final concept, where I would interpret the strengths of the chameleon into superpowers for my superhero. This is what we did in science this week.