Monday, December 12, 2016

Genetics vocabulary test corrections

Summary: These are the questions on today's quiz about genetics that I got wrong and these are my correction

Letter C

Answer Before - Word: Allele | Definition: Phenotype observed in heterozygous organisms X
Correct Answer - Word: Allele | Definition: One of two or more alternative forms of a gene 

Letter F

Answer Before - Word: Dominant trait | Definition: Phenotype masked in heterozygous organisms, that can only be observed in homozygous organisms. X

Correct Answer - Word: Dominant trait  | Definition: Phenotype observed in heterozygous organisms 

Letter G

Answer Before - Word: Recessive trait | Definition: One of two or more alternative forms of a gene X

Correct Answer - Word: Recessive trait | Definition: Phenotype masked in heterozygous organisms, that can only be observed in homozygous organisms. 


Why did I get these questions wrong?

I got these questions wrong, not because I didn't know the correct terms, but simply because I took to much time on the first few definitions, and messed up the last few that we had to do. I also forgot quite a bit of the terms, so I had to consistently look at my notes.

What will I do next time to make sure this doesn't happen again

Next time I will take the time to deeply study the terms and vocabulary, so that next time when we have to match up everything in a short amount of time like we had to today, I will know the meanings at the top of my head. This will allow me to complete the quiz without screwing up any of the terms.

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