Sunday, January 29, 2017

My Superhero Meets His Villan! - Weekly Blog #12

Image result for superhero and villain

This week in science, I learned more about the structures of each body system, as well as how there can be affects on the body systems. We learned this topic by making our superheros villain, and having affects on their body systems to make them more powerful. Essentially, we changed how there body systems function when they transformed into their nefarious state. This helped us create a totally different body system for a villain and give him powers depending on how we changed it. I also learned what a cam, and a cam follower are when creating our automata.

S&EP - SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data

I used data collected from my research about body systems from the past few months,] to create a villain for my superhero. I made this drawing based on different affects that were from the changed body system. The body systems I choose to be affected were the eyes/nervous system, skin, and muscular, and made a drawing reflecting the changes in the body systems. This is how I analyzed and interpreted data through a drawing.

XCC - Cause and Affect

There is a strong cause and affect in my body system drawings in my villain. In the skin of my villain because its in its nefarious state, it causes it heats up. The affect would be there being damage and blisters to the skin cells. This serves as a downfall in battle, because the blistering skin causes exposure of the muscular system. There is also a cause and affect relationship in the eyes. The cause would be the superhero being in his nefarious state, and the affect on the eyes would be them to to roll back. To go even further, this would cause there to be little, to no vision. This would benefit my superhero because it makes him to be in even more of an unconscious state.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

How My Superhero Got His Superpowers! - Weekly blog #11

This week in science, we learned about genetically modified organisms (GMO) as well as mutations. We had to incorporate what we learned about this into our superhero origin story. I based mine off of a mutation. I learned that a mutation is a change in genetic material. This change is found in a DNA sequence. This can be due to either an external, or internal factor. A mutation results in changes of proteins, and the result could be bad, neutral, or good. The reaction on a body that is mutated is either a substitution, insertion, or deletion of genes. 

S&EP - Constructing explanations and designing solution

I evaluated information regarding mutation to explain how my superhero got his superpowers and form my hypotheses. I formed a hypotheses on how the potion would act on the the genes, through the basic rules of mutation. With the information I learned this week, I was able to create a story on how my superhero got his superpowers. That is how I constructed an explanation this week in science.

XCC - Cause and Effect 

There is a lot of cause and effect when it comes to mutation. The cause being the insertion, deletion, or substitution of alleles, and the effect being a negative neutral or positive affect on the body. This can be tied in with my origin story by the cause being the potion, and the affect being a mutation. This is how I used a cross cutting concept this week.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

My Superhero Has a Child! - Weekly Blog #10

Image result for superhero kid

This week in science, we worked on our superheros as well as we learned about epigenetics. We drew our superheros children based on the outcomes of our punnet squares. I learned more about homozygous and heterozygous traits. A homozygous trait is when there is 2 dominant alleles, this can also be known as a purebred. A heterozygous is when there is one dominant allele and one recessive, also known as a hybrid. We labeled traits by using these terms, and found out what traits would be passed down from the mates.

S&EP - Analyzing Data

I used the data that we got from our punnet squares to analyze how our super hero child would turn out to look like or what powers they would have. We also had to calculate the chances of our child receiving those traits through the help of punnet squares. We also had to look at the possible diseases or medical conditions depending on whether or not the mother did certain actions.

XCC - Cause and Affect

If the mother decided to go on a whole grain diet, than the affect was a healthy baby with normal organs. If the mother decided to eat junk food, than the baby will end up obese and with diabetes. If the mother had low stress and didnt have to worry about money, than it was shown to have a healthy baby. If the mother had high stress, than the affect on the baby would be undeveloped/abnormal organs. As you can tell, there is a great cause and affect factor that we have been studying this week.