Sunday, January 15, 2017

How My Superhero Got His Superpowers! - Weekly blog #11

This week in science, we learned about genetically modified organisms (GMO) as well as mutations. We had to incorporate what we learned about this into our superhero origin story. I based mine off of a mutation. I learned that a mutation is a change in genetic material. This change is found in a DNA sequence. This can be due to either an external, or internal factor. A mutation results in changes of proteins, and the result could be bad, neutral, or good. The reaction on a body that is mutated is either a substitution, insertion, or deletion of genes. 

S&EP - Constructing explanations and designing solution

I evaluated information regarding mutation to explain how my superhero got his superpowers and form my hypotheses. I formed a hypotheses on how the potion would act on the the genes, through the basic rules of mutation. With the information I learned this week, I was able to create a story on how my superhero got his superpowers. That is how I constructed an explanation this week in science.

XCC - Cause and Effect 

There is a lot of cause and effect when it comes to mutation. The cause being the insertion, deletion, or substitution of alleles, and the effect being a negative neutral or positive affect on the body. This can be tied in with my origin story by the cause being the potion, and the affect being a mutation. This is how I used a cross cutting concept this week.

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