Sunday, November 19, 2017

Fluxx, Body System Edition - Project Blog

Edited by me: Original Photo from

In this project, I learned about the different body system organs, and how they directly correlate with each other. I also learned how to create a card game by printing the context of the card onto the front side, and print the backing onto to the back using double sided printing. Through this card game, i could make direct connections between organs, due to them having to be connected in some sort of way in order for the game to work and make sense. I also learned how to play Fluxx, and what the different cards meant and how they affect game play.

Backward-Looking: In what ways do you think you need to improve?

Well, I think that I could improve on the overall neatness and presentation  of the cards. Even though I tried my best cutting the cards to shape, the backing of the cards wasn't perfectly aligned. This ended up messing with the entire composure of the cards. With this in mind, I know that I can make the cards better in presentation. I also think that I could have come up with better, and more creative interpretations of the "new rule" cards.

Inward-Looking: What was especially satisfying to you about either the process or the finished product?

Something that was especially satisfying at the finished product was the overall gratification that completing all the cards gave me. Doing all of that painstaking work to create the different types of cards was really worth it at the end. I was able to look at the end product with a strong sense of completion and fulfillment in making an engaging and creative Fluxx game.

Outward-Looking: In what ways did your work meet the standards for this assignment? In what ways did it not meet those standards?

A way that I met the standards of the assignment was by creating a variety or cards that were both intriguing, and included all the necessary components of the assignments. I also met the standards in the lamination process for the card making. During this process, I was able to accurately laminate the card stock onto the lamination sheets, and create protected cards that looked professional. A way that I didn't meet the standards of the assignment because I didn't cut the cards very neatly.

Forward-Looking: As you look at this piece, what's one thing that you would like to try to improve upon?

If I were to improve upon one thing in this piece of work, I would improve on making the cards look more presentable and playable. I could have done this by doing neater cutting and making sure that the backing of the cards was perfectly aligned with the front. I also could have taken out the bubbles that occurred from the laminate much better. With these small improvements, I could have made a more professional, and neat looking end product.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Making My Own Fluxx Card Game! - Weekly blog #10

Image result for fluxx

This week in science, I learned about a game called Fluxx. We were given a task to recreate this game catering to a certain topic in science. My partner and I chose the topic of the human body systems. I learned more about human body systems than I ever did before. These are facts such as communications between the brain and different organs of your body, as well as how organs in the same system are codependent of each other. I also learned how to better use google tools including google sheets and google drawings. I also now know how to make nice looking cards that can be used to play with. This includes using card-stock, applying laminate, and a logo to be put on the back.

S&EP - Constructing Explanations

Through this project, I was able to construct explanation on how organs in body systems work together and what allows communication between different parts of the body. With the keeper cards and goals, I was able to set explanations about different connections between our body systems. Through these cards, I can provide a fun game that also can teach people all sorts of thing about the different human body systems and connections between them. This is how I constructed explanations this week in science

XCC - Structure and Function

There are vast amounts of examples regarding structure and function when it comes to the human body system. There is a sense of structure built into each of our body systems because several organs are joined together in a way that requires structure to operate. There is function because these organs and body systems rely on one another in order to function. There is also several tasks given to certain organs in order to make a functioning body. This is why structure an function is present in the different human body systems.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Designer Species: Project Blog

Drawing of our species

In this project, I learned how different animals use their adaptations to help them out in the wild. I learned about this through researching the different traits that might be beneficial to our animal. Through this, I was able to learn how the blowholes of dolphins work, how the reproductive system of a frog is like, and how seals keep themselves warm. Through the designer species project, I also learned how to create an engaging, and informational video. I also learned how to better use the green screen effect through the green screen that we filmed on.

Backward Looking - In what ways have you gotten better at this kind of work?

I believe that I got better at this type of work because I learned how to better make a drawing as a representation of collections of ideas. This allowed me to have a better understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration to share ideas. I also learned how to get better at making video that are informational and also entertaining. I also leaned how to better film with real cameras, as well as how to do green screen effects.

Inward Looking - What was especially satisfying to you about either the process or the finished product?

I guess what was especially satisfying as the end result of the project was the collection of different types of products that we made for the project. I like the fact that we did an animatic, as well. as a detailed sketch/model. This way, we were able to express different versions of the same product.This was especially satisfying at the end because  we got to see lots of collections in different ideas coming together. Another thing that was especially satisfying at the end was the video quality. Even though the audio lacked in quality, I liked how we were able to use a variety of shots and angles. 

Outward Looking - Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?

We did our work differently then other in a variety of ways. Even though our methods were different in presentation, we all had the same concepts, for some the same planet. The reason why our methods were different then other was due to us wanting to do something a little out of the box. Because of this, we decided to do a video instead of a presentation, which pretty much everyone else was doing. We also included a different type of detailed sketch, because in a way that detailed sketch was like a model, in the sense that it could stand up on its own, and used all sorts of materials. We were similar to other groups because we all made animals that were, in some way, adapted to their environments and. 

Forward Looking - What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?

If I were to do this piece over again, I would redo the filming on a lot of the shots. I say this because the audio on all of the shots that we did after the restaurant scene had a lot of background noise in it. Also, the green screen didn't come out very good on those shots, and was pretty hard to work with. I would also probably try and add more texture to our detailed sketch/model. I say this because we were originally going to add all sorts of material onto the sketch but ended up not having enough time for it. These are thing that I would change if I were to do this over again.