Sunday, May 27, 2018

Scientist Wanted: Shirley Ann Jackson - Weekly Blog #21

Image result for shirley ann jackson

This week in science, I learned about world influencing scientist Shirley Ann Jackson. Shirley Ann Jackson is a physicist that studied subatomic particles at numerous physics labs. She was awarded the very first national medal in science, and also became the president of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The national medal of science is an honorary award that is given to those who excel in a certain field of science by the president of the United States. She is know well for and praised for being the first women of African american decent to earn a doctorate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This is what I learned about this week.

S&EP - Communicating Information

This week, I was able to communicate information through the presentation of things that I learned about Shirley Ann Jackson. First, I had to gather all my information by doing research on who Shirley is. Then. I had to dig deeper and find out her family history, Where she earned her degree, and what she studied in. After all this, I was able to communicate my finding to the rest of the class via Flip-grid. With this E-tool, I was able to talk to others about who my scientist was and why they were important. I also was able to learn about other peoples scientists and reply to their videos.

XCC - Cause and Effect

When researching Shirley Ann Jackson, I discovered that she had to struggle with a lot of social problems that developed during her time and that she had to endure a lot to become an intellectual. Because of the way that people treated her, it caused her to persevere and become smarter and better than anyone of thought she could just because of the color of her skin as well as her gender. This shows a cause and effect relationship due to them being correlated in this way. Also, because she put it in the hard work into her studies she was able to be rewarded from it and helps set an example for the rest of the world.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Our Solar System - Weekly Blog #20

Image result for solar system

This week in science, I learned about our solar system. I learned alot about galaxies, stars, and other objects of the solar system. We live a galaxy called the "Milky Way" that is called an spiral galaxy. The different types of galaxies are elliptical, spiral, and irregular galaxies. Each of these galaxies are unique are in their own ways, and each have distinct features that keep them different in this way. In order for a star to form, they have to go through a process called nuclear fusion. In this process, Hydrogen is ionized (electrons stripped from the protons) into subatomic particles and then put under immense heat and pressure. After this they are fused together into helium because of this process.

S&EP - Analyzing Data

I recognized patterns in data and see relationships between variables. For example, I observed that the father away from the sun, the greater the planet's period of revolution. This is just one of the many observations I concluded from analyzing the data that was given to us through the formatives. Some other things that I noticed when researching information surrounding the topic was that some of the closer planets to the sun tend to have rock surfaces and are warmer. They have more earth like feature just taking off of this factor alone, distance from the sun. Another thing that is affected by her closeness to the sun is the planets gravity, in which those closer to the sun experience similar gravity to earth.

XCC - Patterns 

As shown above, there seemed, to me at least, that there is some sort of pattern that was connected a planet's distance from the sun and similarities to earth. All planets that tended to be closer in general to the sun have rocky surfaces, gravity like that which earth has, similar day/year lengths, and other distinguishable features that we would find here on earth. I also found that there are patterns in how each galaxy is shaped and they all fall under the previously mentioned galaxy type category. Depending on how prevalent these patterns are, we can collect information from it and learn more about our solar system, and even others, from it.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

How Stress Affects Your Mind: Weekly Blog #19

This week in science, I learned about how stress can affect your mind, as well as how to deal with stress. There are different types of stress that can occur in your body. The stress that is most frequent and normal is the fight or flight type stress. This type of stress can help you

S&EP - 

XCC - 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Regrade For Eclipses and Seasons Mastery Quest

Question: 15

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓
Question: 17

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓

Question: 18

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓
Question: 19

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓
Question: 20

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓
Question: 21

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓

Question: 24

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓
Question: 28

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓

Question: 30

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓
Question: 33

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓

Question: 35

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓
Question: 36

Answer Before - 5 X

Correct Answer - 500 ✓

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Building My Own Instrument: Project Blog

Our instrument displayed beautifully by Riccardo

This week in science, I put my knowledge of  waves and sound to the test by being given the task of creating an instrument. Through this project, i was able to learn about how PVC pipes can be used to create distinct sounds at different pitches through vibrations in the air columns. We took this concept and adapted to to create a PVC base flute. The initial vibration of our instrument occurs in the mouthpiece. The mouthpiece was angled in a way that allowed it to resonate through the tube. In order to create different notes in the flute we had to have precise measurements in making different notes. Through this process, I  was able to further learn about how sound is created and the differences between them.

Backward-Looking - What process did you go through to produce this piece?

In order to create this product we first had to get an 8 feet PVC Pipe. We then proceeded to cutting down 33 Inch off main pipe. After this, we saved 4 inch of the main pipe to create a mouthpiece. After this, it was time to drill in the holed for playing different notes. We did this by measuring the diameter of holes, calculating the distance from open end the holes,  aligning the holes with the help of a ruler, and finally drilling the actual holes into the pipe. After this we had to create the mouth piece by cutting a ⅜  hole, and shave sides to be angled so that it can resonate. We then proceeded to put together the instrument and secure it with duck tape.

Inward -Looking - What did/do you find frustrating about it?

Initially with creating this product, we found it very frustrating to actually get our steady sound going. This was particularly frustrating because we had to go through a lot of trial and error in order to achieve a successful mouthpiece. Initially, we though that we did something wrong with constructing the mouth piece. It was looking to be as if no sound would come through our instrument. As time went on, we realize that the problem was with the way that we were setting our embrasure on the instrument. We had to blow into the hole a certain way in order to produce sound. It took as a while to figure out but eventually we got it.

Outward -Looking - Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?

The way that we created our instrument was pretty unique group. We saw that only 1 group had a wind instrument like ours, and was created in a totally separate way with different materials. We were however, among the groups that used PVC pipes to create our instrument. Because PVC is such a solid material, it makes sense why so many groups would use it as their main material. Through PVC pipes, the majority of the groups were able to create their instrument and successfully use the material to their advantage.

Forward -Looking -What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?

If I were to do this project over again, I would most certainly change the way that the instrument looks. I believe that we could have made our instrument look way more aesthetically pleasing then what it looks like right now. Another thing that I would do over if I had the chance to is creating more in tune notes, as well as a better way for the mouthpiece to resonate. Because of the way that we created our mouthpiece, we couldn't get very solid and in tune notes except for a few so that is definitely something I would do over again.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Making common Items into Instruments?: Weekly Blog #18

Image result for instrument homemade


This week in science, I learned about how different items can resonate in different ways. Through vibrations, sound is created in different frequency's and pitch. This week, I learned about how PVC pipes can be used to create musical sounds. In order to decide how we were going to go about creating a wind instrument, we had to look the fundamentals of how a normal one works. Wing instruments work by have a mouth piece blown into at a certain angle. This creates a vibration that resonates through the instruments body. This than can create a sound that can be varied by pressing down different keys that will cover different holes. depending on the different lengths and spaces between holes, different pitches can be made. 

S&EP - Using Math

I expressed relationships between variables by writing mathematical models or equations. For example, I used an equation for trying to figure out where certain notes would have to be in relativity to each other. Using an actual mathematical formula, we were able to figure out where we would need to drill the holes in the pipe for creating specific notes. Using the formula, it was able to guide us in creating our prototype and figuring how the different pitches were made.

XCC - Scale, Proportion, and Quantity

When mapping out how big the holes for the different notes would be, we had to scale the sizing on in. to cm, as well as translate all of our data into a proportion suitable for our pipe. If we were to put our calculations onto a much larger or smaller scale, we would have to accommodate for the size of the holes and the spacing. This is due to the bigger the instrument being, the lower the pitch and vice versa. 

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Digital waves: Weekly Blog #18

Image result for bit rate

This week in science, I learned about sampling rates from analog to digital waves. When an analog wave is processed by a computer and converted in a digital wave. This is processed through a certain bit-rate that decides how often the analog wave is sampled. The higher the bitrate, the higher the quality/ preciseness. This comes at a cost though. Because the bit-rate is being more and more accurate, it does cause it to be a larger file size. This takes up more space on digital media storage. There is also quite a difference between analog and digital waves. Analog waves are the direct rendition on the original sound, and when transformed in digital waves, they lose some of that original quality. This is mainly due to it being converted to a format that works off of a set rate that it collects data from the original sample from. This is what I learned this week in science.

S&EP - Using Models

In order to describe what it would be like to transform analog waves into digital waves, we took examples from slinkys. Using the slinkys, we were able to simulate what it was like when analog waves were transformed into digital waves.

XCC - 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Digital Vs Analog - WAC

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As seen in the standard of today's music industry, everything is digital. Digital technology has allowed us to exceed all limitations that Analog technology constricted us to. Although, this does comes at a price that I am more than willing to pay as a recording artist. That price, of course, being quality. As you already know, digital signals take the approximation of an analog signal to fit a certain given bitrate. As a recording artist, I want my music to be in a digital format. This mainly is for the abundance of reasons that artists today use digital technology, namely being that its cost efficient, space efficient, modifiable, extremely relevant in today's music streaming based world, and so many more.

The first reason that I want to have my music in a digital format is because of how clean and crisp it makes the sound. When I listen to my digital recordings, there is no background noise, no tape hissing, nothing like that. I get a sound that is very clear and has no static. This can be seen in the video Analog or Digital? quoted by Michael Fremer. He says at 0:57 "Digital has certain perfect things about it, it immediately solved all the problems of analog. Background noise, Hiss, wearing, pitch control, all of those things." this can also be seen later in the video said by the narrator at 2:10 "CD's generally sound better than vinyl on the average turntable and cassette are just dubs made from digital masters. It takes a good stereo with a good turntable to hear the subtleties that CD's seem to miss." As seen in both of these quotes, the subtleties in the difference of quality is pretty hard to hear and you overall get less unnecessary noise. On top of all of this, quality of digital technology has improved drastically over the years, and now it is even harder to tell the difference.

The next reason why I want my music done digitally is because of its space efficiency. With digital media, you can store so much more in a limited amount of space. With analog technology you had to store everything on vinyl or casset tapes that takes up unnecessary amounts of space. Now, with digital technology, you can store so much more just onto one mp3 player, or CD, or not even any physical item. With the recent boom of music streaming platforms (ie. Spotify, iTunes, Soundcloud ect.) it is a requirement to have it in a digital format, and can be streamed from anywhere as long as you have your phone. These services have been extremely prevalent in today's music world and if you want your music to be out there, you will need to have it in a digital format. You also don't need nearly as much equipment to do digital music. It takes up far less space and is much more efficient. This can be seen in the quote from the article Analogue Vs Digital: Advantages Vs Disadvantages by user Charman2010 "Digital equipment is far easier to store as it doesn’t take up as much space as with analogue equipment". This is another reason why I want my music to be in a digital format.

My final reason why I want my music in a digital format is because of the freedom you have to edit and change certain things that are unclear or un-concise. This can be seen in the quotes from the article Analogue Vs Digital: Advantages Vs Disadvantages by user Charman2010. "Digital is far easier to edit, you can chop, edit and manipulate audio within a matter of minutes. There is also an undo button with digital meaning if you accidentally delete something or mis edit something that doesn’t work, you can undo without having to start again". This clearly shows that digital audio is superior in flexibility and efficiency. Another example of this can also be seen in the same article. "Digital equipment is also far cheaper when buying outboard gear, software and plug ins needed to record achieve certain processing techniques". This shows that with digital media, it is much cheaper, easier to edit, and overall less of a waste of resources.

I already know what your thinking, and what your main argument for "pro-analog" is. it's that analog recordings are "better quality" and "more human like". This is a popular opinion of those that want to still keep their music in analog technology. This can be seen in the quote from the Recording connection article Analog, Digital, What is the Difference? "to many people, analog sound tends to be warmer, has more texture and is thought to capture a truer representation of the actual sound. Digital is felt to be somewhat cold, technical and perhaps lacking in analog’s nuance". This shows that people only have this as their opinion. You might think that it sounds better analog, and that's fine, but let's look at the facts. Digital audio can not only potentially "sound better" in someone people's opinions, but can also be factually proven to be better and more efficient.  This similar opinion can be seen in the article from before "The idea between digital recording is that our ears and brains technically can’t determine the spaces between the digital values, just like our brains interpret film as continuous motion". This is my counter argument against the main reason people are pro-analog. 

So, in conclusion, as a recording artist, I certainly would like my music to be in a digital format. Not only because the pro's of digital media clearly outweigh clearly outweigh the one disadvantage being sound quality. It is more efficient, cost effective, easier to manage/store, and much more customizable in the way you want to make your song sound like. The reality is that analog technology is ancient and entirely replaced by digital, so doing it in an analog format would be entirely pointless. And with that being said, Those are all of the reasons why I want my music to be in a digital format.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Different Types of Waves and How They Travel: Weekly Blog #17

Image result for different types of waves

This week in science, I learned about different types of waves and how they are used everywhere around me. Waves can be put into 2 different major categories, mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves. The difference between them is that mechanical waves require a medium to travel through while electromagnetic don't. Then, mechanical waves can be broken down into 2 categories, longitudinal waves and transverse waves. Sound waves also travel differently depending on which medium they travel through. When sound travels through a solid, it travels at the same speed that it typically would. When it moves through a liquid, it travels slower due to the molecules being not as close. In a gas, sound travels very slowly because the molecules are so far apart.

S&EP - Using models

This week, we did an experiment using slinkys. These slinkys were used to model the differences between longitudinal and transverse waves. In transverse waves there is a displacement in molecules that go through compression and rarefaction's. This was exemplify through the slinky because of the spring expanding in certain areas and tightening in others when it was pushed. Longitudinal waves travel up and down and have a trough and crest, so this was shown when we waved the slinky up and down. this created waves that resulted in having a trough and a crest and bounced up and down when moved in that matter.

XCC - Energy and Matter

This week in science, we had to deal with energy when it came to sound waves. The movement of energy is clearly present in sound waves. This is due to sound waves being a way of transferring energy. In sound waves, energy is carried through vibrations. But, it isn't only in sound waves that carry energy, in fact, all waves carry energy. Electromagnetic waves transfer energy in all sorts of different ways. Electromagnetic waves carry electromagnetic energy and depending on the different wave lengths and frequencies of the waves. These different types of waves are organized on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Quiziz Regrade

Question: How much of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible?

Answer Before -  None of it X

Correct Answer - Only a small part 

Why is this the correct answer? 

Light is visible in the electromagnetic spectrum so even though it is only a small part, it is still visible.

Question: The action of a wave bouncing off of a surface is called

Answer Before - Refraction X

Correct Answer - Reflection

Why is this the correct answer? 
The difference between refraction and reflection
Question: 12

Answer Before - When distance = 90 and speed =185. X

Correct Answer - When distance = 15 and speed = 20 

Why did I get this question wrong? When calculating speed i put time/distance not distance/time.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

How Sound Works: Weekly Blog #17

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This week in science, I learned about how sound functions. Sound is a vibration of molecules, in other words, a motion that can transmit energy through matter. that has different elements that contribute to how it sounds.  The first think I am going to talk about is pitch. Pitch is how essentially just how high or low a sound is, but depends on the frequency of the sound. A sound frequency is how fast or slow a sound is. The amplitude of a sound is how loud a sound can get or the maximum extent of a vibration. How loud a sound is measured in DB or decibels that can also be expressed as the amplitude. Because sound is measured in waves, there are many different wavelengths present in the vibrations. depending on how close the vibrations are depends on how high the pitch will be. This is what I learned this week in science

S&EP - Using models

This week in science, there was a heavy use of models to help us understand how sound interact with the different environments and situations surrounding it. The first experiment that I am going to talk about is the tuning fork and water experiment. Through this experiment, I was able to see the different effects that sound waves vibrations can have on water. I saw that the vibrations that come off of sound waves were clearly present because it made splashes in the water and also was a able to make the ping pong ball (second part of the experiment) bounce on impact.We also did a different experiment where we tried blowing on different bottle and depending on how much water there was in each one changed the pitch of the sound.

XCC - Structure and Function

There was a great factor of structure and function that I noticed when studying sound this week.In order for us to hear sound, there is a series of events that occur before that can happen. Our ears are structured in a certain way that allows us to process sounds, and each part serves a different function. When there is sound, there is a vibration of molecules in the air. Those vibrations reach our eardrums and makes our eardrum vibrate. Then, the little hairs lined across the eardrum send signals to your brain, and that's what makes you perceive sound as. This is related to structure and function because without all the little components of your ear being structured the way they ware, we would not be able to hear sound the was that we do.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Roller Coaster Project Blog

Our Roller Coaster


For this project, we were given the task to create a roller coaster that exemplifies all of Newton's Laws, as well as several elements of physics that we have been studying. We were able to do this using insulation tubes, dowels, and a marble as our cart. In order to do this, we had to learn key concepts including kinetic energy, potential energy, speed, acceleration, velocity, and force. How our roller coaster shows these elements is quite simple. When at the beginning of the first hill in the track, it has a great amount of potential energy. This is actually where the potential energy is the highest. When the marble has just finished a hill, the kinetic energy is the highest. Obviously, speed and acceleration are prevalent all throughout the course because that what keeps the marble going.

Backward Looking: What process did you go through to produce this piece?

In order to make this project happen, we had to go through a series steps that would eventually lead to our final product. This includes the making the initial design, experimenting with what worked, and what didn't, testing different designs. After we were done with this phase, we went onto recording different runs, calculating different elements and putting it all onto the design brief. Once all of this was done, all we had left to do was finally decorate and perfect the track. After we were done with all these steps, we had to reflect upon our work on this reflection.

Inward Looking: What did/do you find frustrating about it?

What we found very difficult to get right was trying to get the marble to come to a complete stop. We tried so many different methods in trying to make it stop. The first method we used was trying to get tape to increase friction while on the track. With increased friction of the tape, we were then able to make it come to a more gradual stop. After a while, we realized that it actually wasn't helping much at all. So, what we the decided to do was add a little bump of tape and elevate it at the end. With using this method, we were able to make the marble go over the bump and in turn slow it down, and then it would go over the hill, causing it to have much less speed, and come back to the bump and stop.

Outward Looking: Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?

In a sense, I believe that everyone did similar work. Everybody had the same materials to work with, it just mainly had to do with whatever creative spin you can put onto it. For us, we decided to used a tri-fold piece of cardboard to help support the hill in the beginning. We saw that a lot people were doing this because it helped reduce the cost of their materials, and also gave a sturdier surface that it can go off of. We saw that a lot of people made their tracks focused on how long they could make it, and have a lot more twists and hills. For ours, we decided to mainly focus on functionality instead. We decided to have more elements that could support the weight of all the parts in the track, as well as make it have all the necessary elements, creative ideas, and a speedy "cool" looking track.

Forward Looking: One thing I would like to improve upon is

I guess if I were to improve something about the roller coaster, I would most probably add more decorations, and overall make it look more sophisticated. If we didn't have as much random tape everywhere, and overall make it look a lot more clean and neat, it would have been a much better looking project. Another thing that I would most like improve on is making the dowels more in place and secure on the track. By doing this, we could have avoided a lot of the errors and problems that we started running into along the way.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Making My Own Rolar Coaster! : Weekly Blog #16

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Summary  - 

This week in science, we were given the task to create a roller coaster that exemplifies all of Newton's Laws, as well as several elements of physics that we have been studying. We were able to do this using insulation tubes, dowels, and a marble as our cart. This includes concepts such as kinetic energy, potential energy, speed, acceleration, velocity, and force. How our roller coaster shows these elements is quite simple. When at the beginning of the first hill in the track, it has a great amount of potential energy. This is actually where the potential energy is the highest. When the marble has just finished a hill, the kinetic energy is the highest. Obviously, speed and acceleration are prevalent all throughout the course because that what keeps the marble going.

S&EP - Conducting Investigations

Through this roller coaster, our team decided to collect the different data point in which important events in our roller coaster occured. Some examples of this could be when the acceleration was the highest, which locations had the most potential energy, and which had the most kinetic energy. When trying to figure out what types of loops and hills worked with our track, we also chose to control the height and length of the loops and hills. We had to do this so we would know how the different elements in our track could work.

XCC - Cause and Effect

One great example of cause and effect in the roller coaster can be seen with the us deciding to put tape on the track. The cause of this was because the main problem we ran into was trying to make our marble come to a complete stop. We then decided to change the amount of tape we put in seperate parts of track. When putting down tape we saw that it had an effect of the amount of friction that the marble experienced, causing it to slow down. This shows cause and effect by having the tape exemplify an alternate way of making the marble come to a complete stop, and introducing a different twist on the friction present throughout the rest of the track. The cause of us doing it being because we couldn't get it to stop, and the effect being us putting on tape because it increased friction.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Studying Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy: Weekly Blog #15

Image result for kinetic energy


Kinetic and potential energy are two very different types of energy. When something has kinetic energy, that means that it is energy in motion. This is quite a bit different from when something has potential energy. Potential energy is when an object has a lot of energy inside of it, and if force were to be applied, it would release that energy. This can be seen in Newton's third law, with every action comes an identical and opposite reaction. Potential energy has to have enough work put into it in order to have a reaction of work.

S&EP - Analyzing Data

This week we had to analyze the changes in data between differently placed items that were put on a variety of shelves. This was done by using a gizmo simulation.
XCC - Stablitity and Change

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Regrade for Speed Mastery Quest

Summary: These are the questions on last weeks mastery quest on speed that I got wrong and these are my correction

Question: 7

Answer Before -  5 X

Correct Answer - 500 

Why did I get this question wrong? I didn't think the logic of my multiplication all the way through and just assumed it was 5 instead of actually calculating it

Question: 10

Answer Before 2m/s X
Correct Answer - 0.5m/s

Why did I get this question wrong? When calculating speed i put time/distance not distance/time.

Question: 12

Answer Before - When distance = 90 and speed =185. X

Correct Answer - When distance = 15 and speed = 20 

Why did I get this question wrong? When calculating speed i put time/distance not distance/time.

Examining Changes in Acceleration - Weekly Blog #14

Image result for acceleration

Acceleration is the measure of changes in velocity over time. Any object that is experiencing change in speed and direction is considered to be accelerating. Because of this,acceleration is measured as a vector quantity. This means that it measures both the magnitude and direction of an object. You could also model acceleration by using a graph. in order to graph acceleration, it has to be a velocity vs. time graph. When an object has negative acceleration, it is known as deceleration. When I was able to apply the knowledge of acceleration all throughout the week. This was most notable in this weeks lab.

S&EP - Analyzing Data

This week in science, we did a lab using Hotwheels race cars to examine changes in acceleration. Through this experiment, we were able to collect data while running different tests on the cars, closely examining their speeds at different times. We varied the slopes of the ramps, as well as how long the track was both times. We then had to record all of this data we collected from the different experiments onto our papers. From there, we were able to convert all the information into a few different types of graphs, and we looked to see the similarities between them.

XCC - Stablitity and Change

There is a great example of stability and change that can be seen in acceleration. The change is provided by the different types of data we were able to collect when varying the slopes of the ramps, as well as the length of the track. Stability in this experiment came from us trying to get an average speed that the car went at. If it were to be released from the same exact place, with the exact same amount of force every time, it would produce a constant speed. This can be shown as a s sense of stability because having a constant speed gives a stable variable that can serve to be true in several situations.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Studying Changes in Speed and Velocity Through Graphs: Weekly Blog #13

The matching I did with my group

This week in science, I learned a lot about how graphs can represent data and replicating a certain situation. This, of course, is directly correlated to the distance that an object takes in a certain amount of time. Speed is a scalar quantity that represents how fast an object is moving. Velocity is a vector quantity that measure how fast an object is moving, and the direction its moving in. There are several different scenarios that we looked through as a group, and we had to figure out which scenario corresponded best with the graph. Through this, I was able to learn what it means  to speed up, or slow down  by looking at the data, and then being able to understand what that would visually look like on a graph. In order to figure out how fast an object is moving, you have to calculate how the object has changed in response to how much distance(rise) an object has take over the time(run).

S&EP - Analyzing Data

I had to analyze the data given to us in the different scenarios that were corresponding with the speeds that Joe was going at. Through all these different situations, we had to dissect all of elements that went into each story, and attempt to most closely relate it to one of the given graphs. Later on, we also had to see how the graphs numbers changed in relation to his time and distance by plotting down his distance at certain times. This proves that this week, I went through a deep analysis of data in order to relate all the information. 
XCC - Patterns

I started to notice patterns that would occur when Joe went through different situations that were somewhat similar to each other. This could be seen when Joe experience a situation where he went faster, I noticed that the start and end of the line was tighter. This could also be seen when he went slower, the lines were more extended. Some other patterns i noticed were every time he didst move, the line was strait, but didn't change in distance, just increasing in time. Also, when it said that Joe was coming back to his origin, you always see that the line comes back to the bottom of the graph or at 0 distance.