Sunday, September 27, 2015

Weekly Blog (9/21-9/28)

     This week in science we learned about mostly about the theory of Pangaea that Alfred Wegener proposed, and how well he is know for the continental drift. His theory was that all the continents were once a huge super continent. Of course, people thought that he was out of his mind and crazy to think such a thing, with no strong evidence. About 30 year after Wegener died. They started going further into research on the super continent and was found out to be true. To demonstrate Wegener's theory, the class had to fit all the continents together using paper models of the continents. This week, we also studied the layers of the earth, and how many layers it consists of. We found out that there are 4 layers. The crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core. The mantle is the largest in thickness and has several layers inside it.

SP2: Developing and using models

      I constructed a physical paper model of the continents that formed the super-continent, Pangaea.
This model helped better understand  Wegener's theory of how the continents used to be one. He had to find several pieces of evidence to be proved right, and was struggling to find evidence on how it all fits together. We had to try to find a logical way that the continents would fit together, and follow the paths of how animals and plants traveled . This helped me have a visual of the process that Wegener had to go through, accept not as long and complicated because it was a model given to us on paper that we had to fit together in a logical way. People must of thought that he was a crazy man without proper evidence!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Science Blog (9/14-9/21)
      This week in science, we did yet again another comic strip. The difference between this one and the last one is this one is about the rock cycle, while the other one is about the scientific method. To get an idea of what the rock goes through in the rock cycle, we played a game where we had to go around the room rolling a dice based on what would happen to the rock. With this knowledge, we can then make the comic strip with ease. We also started our volcano experiment. So far, we made the shape of the volcano, and glued on the paper mache.

SP2: Developing and using models
      The model I used in the experiment was the cartoon strip. Yet again the cartoons gave me the visual image of what the rock cycle is about. The cartoon also allowed to express myself in drawing in the way I like it. I also figured out how all the rocks get to there state (sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous) and how it can sometimes take a while. 


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weekly Blog (9/7-9/14)

    This week in science, we did our scientific method comic strip. For the comic strip, we had to write a project blog on how well we did on the project. When our strip got graded, it turned out I got all 5s.
What I learned from the scientific method cartoon was better understanding the scientific method and how it works by making a visual example of it.

SP2: Developing and using models (the closest S&EP I could find)

When I did the comic strip, it helped me better explain and define what the scientific method really is all about by giving it in a form I enjoy. Because of the drawings, it helped me get that clear understanding of the scientific method, though the model it helped me learn more about the subject.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Project Reflection Blog, Scientific Method Cartoon

I honestly think I met the Comic Strip expectation pretty well. I think I did pretty good on the comic strip itself. I think I met 5 on  mostly everything. I think the part I did most well on the comic strip was the drawings and neatness of it because I tried pretty hard on that. The thing I probably could have done alot better was the neatness of the captions. Im only saying this because currently I don't have a printer and I had to write out everything. When I tried gluing down the captions, I accidentally smeared the pencil on the cations. This helps me in the future by better understanding the scientific method, through the comic strip I made. I will better understand because its drawn out,and give me a better image of the scientific method.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Science this week...#2
what we learned in science this week was how to make our own experiment and apply the scientific method. The experiment I tried our was if an ice cube would melt faster in the shade or in the sun. I also completed the rough draft of my scientific method comic strip.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations

My experiment was if ice cubes melt faster in the sun or in the shade on a hot day. My hypothesis was supported when I said it would melt faster in the shade.