Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weekly Blog (9/7-9/14)

    This week in science, we did our scientific method comic strip. For the comic strip, we had to write a project blog on how well we did on the project. When our strip got graded, it turned out I got all 5s.
What I learned from the scientific method cartoon was better understanding the scientific method and how it works by making a visual example of it.

SP2: Developing and using models (the closest S&EP I could find)

When I did the comic strip, it helped me better explain and define what the scientific method really is all about by giving it in a form I enjoy. Because of the drawings, it helped me get that clear understanding of the scientific method, though the model it helped me learn more about the subject.

1 comment:

  1. I revamped the blog instructions so it should help a bit more.
