Sunday, September 20, 2015

Science Blog (9/14-9/21)
      This week in science, we did yet again another comic strip. The difference between this one and the last one is this one is about the rock cycle, while the other one is about the scientific method. To get an idea of what the rock goes through in the rock cycle, we played a game where we had to go around the room rolling a dice based on what would happen to the rock. With this knowledge, we can then make the comic strip with ease. We also started our volcano experiment. So far, we made the shape of the volcano, and glued on the paper mache.

SP2: Developing and using models
      The model I used in the experiment was the cartoon strip. Yet again the cartoons gave me the visual image of what the rock cycle is about. The cartoon also allowed to express myself in drawing in the way I like it. I also figured out how all the rocks get to there state (sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous) and how it can sometimes take a while. 


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