Sunday, September 17, 2017

Geologic Time - Project Blog: Weekly Blog #4

Photo of the Project

During this project, I learned a lot of things. A lot of which involving rocks. But most importantly, I learned about the stages that earth went through in its life time and why that matters so much. The earths history can be divided into different time periods. These time periods are known as the Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and the Cenozoic eras. I studied in the Cenozoic era, and learned many things. The Cenozoic era is the most recent eras of time, actually leading up to the present. This era was the age of the mammals, and included all of the animals that we have today. The continents of the world changed drastically and several super continents broke up in this period.

Backwards Looking - In what ways do you think you need to improve?

I feel like I could have improved on the whole aesthetic of the piece overall. As an artist and one that pays attention to how pleasing your work is to look at, I feel like that I lacked a proper sense of aesthetic and creativity to be put into this piece. What I mean by creativity is just the whole idea of creating more original ideas for an interactive board, as well as adding more details in the art. I just mainly think that I could have improved by paying more attention to neatness and details on the board. This is what I feel like I could have improved on. 

Inwards Looking -What was especially satisfying to you about either the process or the finished product?

I think something that was extremely satisfying that came out of this project was the amount of information we were able to provide others with about each era. I was expecting the board to not be filled with as much information as we ended up having and i'm quite happy that this was the case. I am also quite happy that we decided to go with the wheels as the animals portrayal. I feel like this was especially satisfying because we were told that they ended up looking quite nice so that made us feel good.

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