Monday, September 18, 2017

Is it more important to Reduce, Reuse or Recycle? - WAC

Is it more important to Reduce, Reuse or Recycle?

     Think about the last time that you helped the environment. Did you limit your utilities usage (water, gas, electrical)? Did you switch to renewable energy? Was it by sorting your bottles into plastics aluminum and glass? These are all examples of the three main methods of helping take care of the environment. They are know as the 3 R's, Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling. These are all big things that definitely help the environment, but which one is the most efficient? I am here to tell you that reducing is the most effective method. There are many reasons why this is the best method, but I will mention 3 main reasons. Firstly, most companies are trending towards reducing as the most effective method of being environment friendly. Secondly,when you reduce your waste, you entirely avoid creating it in the first place. Lastly, this method is the most versatile to all aspects of the environment as well as takes the least amounts of extra work. Now, lets know why exactly these are true.

     Companies are starting on the trend of reducing their waste in preference to reusing or recycling and is and is greatly supported by the consumer. In the SENCER article "Is It More Important to You to Reduce, Reuse or Recycle?" It says in paragraph two "larger-scale business initiatives often focus on reduction of the use of natural resources as preferable to simple reuse or recycling." This definitely is moving in the right direction because if all companies are reducing their consumption of natural resources, it helps reduce on an extremely large scale. This is also exemplified in the article "What Is Reduce, Reuse & Recycle?" by Bethany Wieman, where it says in paragraph two "Some companies, however, are getting more efficient with their product packaging to save resources". This is my first reason on why reducing is the most effective method

     If you avoid creating the waste in the first place, then there is no point to do any of the other main methods. This is supported in the text "What Is Reduce, Reuse & Recycle?" by Bethany Wieman, where it says in paragraph two "The most essential way to reduce waste is to avoid creating it in the first place."If this is the case, there is little significance of reusing or recycling. This is because if you put it into context reusing is just another way of reducing. If you use reusable items then you reduce the amount of one use items and end up making less trash . Shown in the quote from the same article, "[Re-suing is] investing in items that can be reused --- for example, using cloth tote bags when you shop" As I explained, just another way of reducing. Reducing is also much preferable to recycling because this means less trips from big machines that release excess amounts of CO2 into the air. As shown in the video "The math of trash" by KQED, it quotes "There is 22 billion pounds of CO2 put into the air through garbage trucks alone [in the year]" This is my second reason why reducing is the best method.

     Reducing is a low effort activity that can affect the environment on an extremely drastic level. When you reduce the amount you waste, it doesn't take much effort at all, and also doesn't use machinery. As shown in the article "When Recycling is Bad for the Environment" by the Discover Magazine, it quotes in paragraph 9 "Plastic sorting can be done manually, but it’s tedious and labor-intensive". This further shows why recycling is a hassle unlike reducing. This is also further explained in the SENCER article "Is It More Important to You to Reduce, Reuse or Recycle?" in paragraph three "consumers can reduce simply by cutting back and making small changes". It all comes down to you in reducing, and starts with what you do at your home. It can be something as reducing your shower time or storing your leftovers. This is my final reason why reducing is the best method.

     In conclusion, you now know that reducing is the most efficient, effective, and low effort method of the 3 R's. Reducing takes an important aspect of all of our lives and doesn't have to be huge. When reusing, its like you are reducing because you are reducing the amount of products you are throwing away from not being reused. Recycling isn't that healthy for that environment due to the carbon emission of the trucks and is also cost effective. Clearly you can see the reducing is the best method and is even supported by most companies. Now, I am going to leave you with this question, are you going to start reducing your waste? If so, then always remember, every small act counts, and all starts with reducing.

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