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The topic of this project blog was my project, the Charity-Fair. In the charity fair, I learned what a carbon footprint is. A carbon footprint is how much CO2 you are releasing into the air by transporting your product and making it. I also learned more about the history of the mistletoe and what the purpose of the mistletoe (such as the tradition, and how its made). This is the summary of my project blog.
I knew that mistletoes were a big part of the christmas tradition. knew that when a mistletoe is something that you have to kiss under if you go under it. I wasn't absolutely sure how the mistletoe looked like though. I also knew that there are lots of animals that get abused each year. With this project I got to go more into that subject with my charity.
I feel that this particular piece of work was quite professional looking. We designed it to look like an actual mistletoe. I feel good about the project quality wise. I particularly enjoy the quality of the poster. I feel like I did a great job on the poster compared to the crappy job I usually do. My posters usually don't come out that good so i'm quite happy about that. In my opinion it looked pretty nice and neat. What I dont really about this project was the video we made for our charity. In my opinion it didn't strike my as the "amusing type". As well as it did to many others. There was slow calming music in the background music and just seamed like us running our mouths about how good this charity was, even though we spent lots of time and effort on trying to find information about this particular subject. Like I mentioned before I definitely enjoyed the poster we did, but I also definitely liked the amount of knowledge we knew about the charity. We definitely spent a lot of time on researching this A+ rating charity.
I would give my project the grade of an overall A. I believe that this is a fair grade, considering everything consisted in the project. The charity video + Script, Poster board, sales, and product. I think that the charity wasn't are best but had a lot of information in it. The script was extremely long and consisted a lot of information, so I think honestly that deserves a B- or so. The poster board definitely deserves and A. I think this because our poster board consisted of all the information required and far above and beyond. I included the history and a lot of other bonuses and stayed up quite a while printing all the stuff and making the titles, and Pierson also made most of the Mistletoes, but I also helped him on making it. The poster board also had a lot of valuable information from the project. Next is the sales. That definitely deserves and A on my part at least. When we we presenting and selling our product to people, not to be bragging or have an ego, but a lot of the parents said I was very convincing and presented lots of crucial fact persuading them very well to buy it. And we also got quite a bit of money, $60 is quite a lot for me definitely acceded my expectations. And finally for the product. I would give that an A also. Pierson did a great job on the product of the Mistletoe. He made it look professional and stunning. I also helped in the begging, but he did the rest because he had the supplies.
To be truly honest I think that I wouldn't really change much. The only thing that I would significantly change is the video. I would make the video a lot shorter and add more action. I would make the music quieter so the audience can here as well. These are the things that I would change into the project if I were to do it over.