Sunday, September 25, 2016

Organic Compounds and Photosynthesis! Weekly Blog #4


This week in science, we studied organic compounds (or macromolecules) and photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process that plants go through to create oxygen for us to survive.We also studied organic compounds, something completely new that i've never heard of before. An organic compound is a compound made of carbon that can take many forms, The different types of organic compounds are lipids, proteins, carbohydrates/carbs, and nucleic acids.

S&EP - Communicating Information

I used scientific text to find important. information, evidence and ideas. I did a photosynthesis simulation on gizmos. This led me to understand that the color of the wavelengths can determine how well the photosynthesis process goes. This concluded to the results that the color green will reflect off of the plant, but the colors blue and orange get absorbed. We studied this as a class, and in the end I concluded the the most oxygen is produced from these colors

XCC - Patterns

I noticed a very repetitive pattern in one of the subjects we are studying, and that is the pattern of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process that plant go through to create oxygen for us to survive. than we turn the oxygen into carbon dioxide, for the plants to make more oxygen. This becomes a cycle and pattern for the world to operate. 

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