Monday, October 17, 2016

Cellular Reproduction and Human Body Studies: Weekly Blog #7


Image result for human body

This week, we further studied cell reproduction, as well as division of labor amongst cells. Division of labor is when a group of cell preform a function, and ensure that the organism is effectively preforming the job and smooth running. Division of labor is divided into separate parts of the body. Some examples of this could be shown as multiple tissues that work together to create an organ, or multiple organs that work together to create the systems of the organism. This is what we studied in science this

S&EP - Asking Questions and Defining Problems

I established what is already known about the cell reproduction and how cells work together to create a working organism. I did this by studying the cell division of labor and concluded that there are several vital systems that our body need to operate. these systems include the digestive system, nervous system, and skeletal system just to name a few. This is how I asked questions and defined problems in science this week.

XCC - Systems and System models

This relates to the topic we studied this week because we talked about how all the systems work together to create an organism. This system is composed of the digestive system, nervous system, and skeletal system just to name a few. These systems work together to create a smooth functioning organism.

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