Friday, October 28, 2016

Urinary System Blog Post: Human Body 2.0

Image result for urinary system
Basics of the Urinary System

The urinary system is a very important system in our body. This system's main job  is to filter liquids taken into our body, and separate the nutrients, from the waste product. The urinary system filters the liquid in the kidneys, and gets rid of the waste product by exiting the bladder. This system is comprised of a few key organs. The names of these organs are the kidneys, ureters, urethra, and of course, the bladder. Let me talk about the functions of these organs. Like I said before, the function of the kidneys is to filter the liquids from the waste and nutrients. It absorbs the nutrients and the circulatory system takes the nutrients to other parts of the body, this is because the circulatory system passes through both kidneys. In this process, urine is produced to balance the amount of salts produced in your body. Bladders function is to obviously, hold the water. The ureters carry the urine from your kidney to you bladder, and the urethra is to carry urine out of the body.

Interactions with other systems

Like I said before, the urinary system works very closely with the circulatory system. This is because there are parts of the circulatory system that go through the kidney to get the nutrients, so that it can be given to the cells in your body. But what you probably did suspect, is how well the digestive system works with the urinary system. Once all the food is broken down, and goes down to the small and large intestines for the nutrients to be absorbed from the food, and access liquid, such as from the water you drink, filters into your kidneys. Than the process of the urinary system starts. Both of these system work very closely together and rely on each other to get rid of the waste that isn't needed in you body.

Image result for water filter

I believe that the urinary system can be compared to a water filter. I think of this because the filter part of the water filter is like your kidneys. In your kidneys, it take out the nutrients from the liquids you consumed, and take out the waste product through peeing. This is flip flopped for the water filter because it takes out the bad stuff in the water and produces the good stuff. even though it is the other way around, both of the are a type of filtrtation system for liquids. This is why I think that the urinary system can be compared to a water filter

Structure and Function Relations

The structure of the urinary, is pretty relevant to the function. Because the bladder is expandable, it can hold quite a bit of urine. This is because its made out of a internal sphincter muscle that allows the urinary system to expand and contract. This allows urine to be stored at a reasonable amount. Once 200 ml of urine or so are stored in your bladder, the autonomic nerve is stimulated telling your brain that you gotta go pee. So in short, the structure of the bladder, being expandable, serves its function of being able to store urine effectively.

Sources: Brainpop - Urinary System,,

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