Friday, October 28, 2016

Nervous System Blog Post: Human Body 2.0

Image result for nervous system
Basics of the Nervous System

The nervous system is the channel of nerves in your body. There are nerves all over your body and stimulate the senses in each of your body parts. The main function of the nervous system is for your brain to have a pathways to tell all of your body parts, and muscles, what to do. The only actual organ of your nervous system is the brain, and maybe the spinal cord, however, there are several other parts in the nervous system. These include nerves, nervous tissues, meninges, and the different type of sense organs, which stimulate all 5 of your senses. These senses include sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Let me try to give a rundown of all the rest of the functions. The meninges function is to protect the central nervous system. The nerves and nervous tissue are the signal transmitters between the brain and the event your body is experiencing. The brains function is to, in short, tell your body what to do. And finally your spinal cords function is to carry information up and down your spine. As a matter a fact, without your spinal cord, you physically, couldn't survive. You cant move any part of your body and your organs wouldn't be able to function. See the importance now?

Interactions With Other Systems

The nervous system works closely with literally every system in a organism. It controls your organs both unconsciously, and consciously. Let my try to give as many relations as I can. In your muscular and skeletal system, you brain tells your muscles and your bones to move in certain directions. In your digestive and urinary system, even though you don't notice it, it all happens unconsciously. Your organs are told what to through your nervous system. The only thing you have control over is when you need to pee, or take a dump. same goes for your respiratory system, you control when you want to breath, and your nervous system takes care of actually preforming it. This is how you nervous system interacts with other systems.


Image result for controller (kudos to you if  you know the name of this system)
I think that the nervous system, can be compared to a type of controller. I think of this because all the different buttons on the controller, can represent the different thing your brain tells your  body to do. When you press a button on the controller, the thing (character, cursor, navigator) reacts to it. This is exactly like in the nervous system. When your brain (the button being pressed) sends signals through your nerves (the wire) to tell the part of your body to do (character, navigator). This is why I think the the nervous system can be compared to an N64, I mean *clears throat*, (insert name here) controller.

Structure and Function Relations

The structure and function of the nervous system are pretty closely related. I think this because in a nerve, there are several different parts that help it transmits signals to your body. A nerve is mainly made of axons. These axons allow information to be sent up and down the nerve. Because a nerve is made of axons (structure) It can transmit signals to your brain (function). I'm sorry, I really couldn't think of anything better for this one. I know i'm getting a low score for structure and function. Oh well at least I tried.

Here are my Sources:,, wikipedia, Brainpop - Nervous system

1 comment:

  1. Parkinson's disease is a long-term degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that mainly affects the motor system. This is a progressive disease. Stem cells parkinson's treatment is the best treatment for this disease.
