Friday, October 14, 2016

Digestive System: Human Body 2.0 Blog Post

Image result for digestive system
The Basics About the Digestive System

The digestive systems function is to break down the food as you eat so your body can use the food for its nutrients. The digestive systems organs include the pancreas, liver, small intestine, large intestine, gallbladder, esophagus, salivary glands (In the mouth), and rectum 

The Digestive system work with the urinary system. They work together because when the digestive system takes in a liquid, it absorbs the nutrients that are in the liquid and then leaves the rest the the urinary system. This system is used to drain out the access liquid your body doesn't need. is the one that drains it out 


Image result for cement mixer pouring cement

I believe that the Digestive system can be compared to a cement mixer. I think this because when the digestive system is digesting food, it breaks it down and turns it into chyme (similar to the mixed cement) the chyme than goes through a process to be solidified (like the cement being solidified) to be turned into poop (the cement block) This is why I think the Digestive system is like a cement mixer.

Structure and Function of the Digestive System

The structure of the large intestine affects its function because of its size. the large intestine is wide, but has a passage for the thin and watery chyme to go through. This function is supported by the structure because if it wasn't wide, the chyme wouldn't be able to circulate through the large intestine, thus making the large intestine an important organ. This is how the structure and function support each other.

Sources: and

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