Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Skeletal System Blog Post: Human Body 2.0

Image result for spooky scary skeletons


The skeletal system is very important to your body. It supports pretty much everything in your body and without them, you would just be a blob of muscle and skin. it also helps you move around The skeletal system is made of joints and bones. A joint is where two or more bones meet, and supports movement. Some of these joints include the pivot, hinge, ball and socket, and gliding joints.

System It Works With

The skeletal system works closely with all the systems, but mainly protects your muscular system. This is because without your bones, your body would be able to have shape and move. The bones work with muscle by allowing muscle to move along the skeleton, allowing you to do things that require muscles such as lifting, pulling, or over all picking up items. The stronger your muscles, the more you could pick up and the more you could push and pull.


Image result for drawer
I think that the skeletal system can be compared to a drawer. I think this because without a drawer, its items would just be scattered all over the place, without having a place to be, just like it is with the skeletal system, it keeps all the systems in place. However, because the drawer gives it a place to stay, the items can be accessed and serve a purpose. The drawer also helps gives mobility, allowing to to draw out and in, just like the skeletal system giving mobility in your body. The drawer also serves as a divider among the utensils, just as it is shown in the picture. This could be compared to each system having a spot in the organism. The drawers also protect the items, just like the bones protecting the muscular system. Overall, the point is, without the drawer, utensils wouldn't have a place to be, as well as the systems in an organism would have a place to be without the bones to hold them in place. This is why I think the skeletal system could be compared to a drawer.

Structure and Function Relations

The structure and function of the skeletal are closely related. This is because the structure of your bones, being hollow, allow you to move around with being dragged down to the ground. These hollow bones are very beneficial if you are doing a lot of movement. Even though these bone are hollow, they are still strong. This is because they have several layers to protect themselves.

Sources - Brainpop: Skeleton, Brainpop: Joints, www.biology4kids.com

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